Saturday, June 25, 2011

June 24 - Iowa State Capitol

Friday, June 24, 2011

Our second walk today was not an official convention walk, but a year-round event. Having already completed 6K, we chose to do the 5K.  We started at the Marriott and crossed the Des Moines River to East Des Moines. 

WOW!  The Iowa State Capitol building is awesome.  It is located on a hill, so it dominates the landscape and you can see it from quite a distance away.  It has a large central dome covered with gold leaf and four smaller domes.  The building appears dignified and majestic without seeming excessive.  This is the 24th state capitol building I have visited, and one of the most beautiful, in my opinion. Our photos do not do it justice.

The inside of the building features lavish detail everywhere you look.  Twenty-nine types of marble were used inside the building.  The various types of wood used all came from Iowa forests. Looking up into the elegant rotunda you can see more gold leaf, murals, marble columns, and the balconies of two upper levels.  On display inside are a number of murals and paintings and a model of the USS Iowa. 

The Capitol Campus includes other government buildings, several statues and war memorials, and a public garden.

Walk Route: A+
Walk Documentation: B+

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