Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 14, 2014 - Trail of Blue Ice

Trail of Blue Ice

We drove down the Seward Highway to the Begich, Boggs Visitor Center in Portage Valley for a regular volkswalk on the Trail of Blue Ice. This trail is named for the blue ice that can be seen in glaciers. The trail connects several glaciers in Portage Valley including Explorer Glacier, Middle Glacier, and Williwaw Glacier.

We started at the visitor center and walked past Portage Lake on a very nice improved trail. The trail was fairly flat. The first part was paved, and then we turned onto a gravel trail to follow the Williwaw Nature Trail. We saw many lovely wildflowers along the side of the trail, especially lupine and columbine.

We were going to turn around at the 2.5k point, which was a sign reading Williwaw Ponds.  However we missed the sign and continued past a beaver lodge until we reached a bridge and realized we had gone too far. Apparently the sign had rotted and fallen off the sign post and you could only see a remnant of it when you were coming back in the other direction.
A glacier

Bear-proof trash can
 Not finished . . .

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