Wednesday, September 25, 2013

September 25, 2013 - Providence, RI

RISD and some historic buildings
Our destination today was the Roger Williams Visitor Center in Providence, where we began our volkswalk. We walked through a park, past the oldest Baptist chuch in America (1648), and past the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD).

A beautiful roof line
We went back and fourth across the Providence River four times over different bridges.  

After walking through the Providence Place Mall we arrived at the State Capitol. It was a typical state capitol building with a rotunda and lots of marble and statues inside.
Rhode Island State Capitol

Inside the Capitol
The Library inside the Capitol
All in all, Providence was pleasant, but not particularly remarkable. It had a lot more buildings from the colonial period and a lot fewer modern buildings than I expected.  I did not come away with a feel for what this city is about. The walk directions and map were very confusing, and crossing the streets was sometimes tricky.

Leaving the city was difficult and we got lost in a maze of freeways. After looping around three or four times, we found our way out of the maze and got on the road to Hartford, CT, where we are spending the night.

Walk Route: B-
Walk Directions: C-

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