Monday, September 5, 2011

September 5 - Columbia (YRE)

State House
We did the 10K walk in Columbia on Labor Day.  This meant there was practically no traffic.  It also meant that EVERYTHING was closed: restaurants, museums, stores, even the Capitol Building. 

Our walk included the State House and grounds, the University of South Carolina campus, Woodrow Wilson’s boyhood home, the Robert Mills house, the Governor’s Mansion, half a dozen other notable houses, Finlay Park, Memorial Park, and Adluh Flour Mills.  All of these points of interest were closed with the exception of the two parks and the University campus.   


Waterfall at Finlay Park
There were very few people about.  We didn’t see anyone on the USC campus.  We saw people in only two places: a large crowd of homeless people in Finlay Park where they seemed to be having some kind of program aimed at helping homeless people and a large crowd of members of the press at the Convention Center where they were preparing for a Republican presidential candidate’s debate.

"Tunnelvision," a mural by Blue Sky
Busted Plug

When they were giving out charm and vitality, they gave so much to Savannah and Charleston that there wasn’t much left for Columbia. 

The walk instructions had a nice supplement describing 23 different points of interest. There were a couple of places where the instructions were hard to follow.

Prominent Feature of the downtown skyline


Walk Route: C+

Walk Documentation: B-

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